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A StreetWise Poem by Mike

Michael Bansal has authored the following poem. We liked it, Hope you do too.

A place to talk, smile, laugh
A place that is gear on showing you the right path
Where you can hear the word of god then be social while you eat
Where when you feel the spirit honestly it’s neat
No matter what the time or what’s happening too
The leaders have time for you
There’s nothing like having people who are willing to listen
Especially when you give them good news it’s nice to see them glisten
It’s a place I’ve come to love and to me is very dear
When you have something you want to talk about there is someone willing to hear
This place has helped me grow in so many ways
If I were to say everything they have done for me that would take days
Everyone there give you hugs, an ear, but most of all love
Other than myself the one other person who is proud is god above

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