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Justin Corbett died on Tuesday.
There will be a funeral service for all friends and family who wish to attend.
Justin was a friend and brother to StreetWise for years and our hearts go out to all who feel his loss.
The service will be at Marlow Heights Baptist Church this Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 2:00 pm.
We’ll be camping out at KingsDominion for a few days from June 26 though the 28th to enjoy each others company, some great music, and all the fun that King’s Dominion has to offer during Kingsfest.

Here is a current list of addresses for bible studies:
James and Tonya Cash
415 Warren Avenue, Front Royal, Virginia
Study starts at 6pm on Thursday
BJ Bowers
117 North Royal Avenue Apt. 1, Front Royal, Virginia
Study is from 6-8 on Tuesdays
If anyone knows of any other bible studies please let Justin or Sherry know so we can update this. Thanks.
Hey ya’ll. Just updating you guys on things that Streetwise is doing in the next month.
- September 9th: Homeless Trip to D.C. with TOPS.
We have a lot of things in the planning stages. We could utilize volunteers for these and future events. If you would like to volunteer or have any ideas, questions or concerns, please contact Sherry or Justin.
Michael Bansal has authored the following poem. We liked it, Hope you do too.
A place to talk, smile, laugh
A place that is gear on showing you the right path
Where you can hear the word of god then be social while you eat
Where when you feel the spirit honestly it’s neat
No matter what the time or what’s happening too
The leaders have time for you
There’s nothing like having people who are willing to listen
Especially when you give them good news it’s nice to see them glisten
It’s a place I’ve come to love and to me is very dear
When you have something you want to talk about there is someone willing to hear
This place has helped me grow in so many ways
If I were to say everything they have done for me that would take days
Everyone there give you hugs, an ear, but most of all love
Other than myself the one other person who is proud is god above
Trunk or Treat is coming, are you going to be ready. Ready that is with your imagination, funny bone, creativity, and great times and memory making. StreetWise is partnering with Marlow Heights Baptist Church youth group for a great Halloween night of fun. Come on out everyone. Decorating of vehicles starts at 5:00, official event and judging starts at 6:00 pm.

You can now send anonymous prayer requests to us by going to the ‘Prayer Requests‘ page under ‘Contact Us.’
God will always be there for you to talk to, but sometimes it helps to know you have friends talking with him too. We can always extend your request to others if you so choose, but we will always use our best discretion. Life can be hard, friends don’t try to make it harder.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
– Philippians 4:6-7
By popular demand, as of last night, we now have a forum up and running. It’s not as glamorous as the Roman Forum, but it is still fast, simple, and empty at the moment.
Please take a moment to review the rules, we won’t be nazis, but limits do exist and they won’t be crossed for long.
So join me, I’m waiting for somebody to fight me on the question of whether myspace is better than facebook (facebook all the way).
Thanks to all for your help in making Streetwise such a wonderful place to be on Monday nights. Now we could really use your help in making Streetwise a great place to be the rest of the time at streetwiseministries.org. Please send us your ideas for cool ways to expand the website in ways you would find awesome. You can use the Contact Us page to send us anything from questions, announcements, or prayer requests.